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Please note that events are free for members, unless stated otherwise. We ask non-members for a small donation of  £5.00.
    Friends Events 2024
Other events being planned for this year with final arrangements to be confirmed:

A Talk on the Ashdown Forest Grazing Project

Wednesday 18th September 2024. An opportunity to deepen our connection, appreciation and enjoyment of Ashdown Forest. Sue has offered mindfulness and art activities in communities and in the National Gallery. Places are limited to 12 and this workshop will be postponed in the event of heavy rain.  

Mindfulness and Art with Sue Bolton BSc MSc

Tuesday 20th August 2024. 2.00 p.m.  The Education Barn

Michael will take us on a guided "tour" of the diverse habitats of this southern county and the wide range of amazing species it supports

A Talk by Michael Blencowe, "The Wildlife of Sussex"

Thursday 4th July 2024. 10.30 a.m. Meet in Millbrook West Car Park.

Explore the terraces, water garden, arboretum with rhododendron walks and chain of lakes which were constructed in the woodland from 1925 by Gavin Jones. Some rough walking so please bring stout footwear and appropriate clothing. Places are limited to 20 for this walk

A Guided Tour of the Vachery Garden

A very successful and enjoyable morning (and the weather was kind!) and thanks to Hew Prendergast for leading the tour.

Tuesday 2nd July 2024. 6.45 p.m. By popular demand, we have arranged a further visit to this fascinating site to see the remains of the World War II radio station and the nuclear bunker dating from the Cold War. The site is currently used by Sussex Police as a training facility. Numbers will be limited to 12 for the visit.

A Visit to Kingstanding Radio Station

Thank you to the police volunteer who took our enthusiastic party on a tour of the underground bunker, old radio station and "the village" which is used for police training.

Thursday 20th June 2024. 9,00 p.m. The Ashdown Forest Bird Group has again invited us to join them on a twilight walk to spot Nightjars on the Forest. 

A Nightjar Walk with the Ashdown Forest Bird Group

Thanks to Martin and the members of the Ashdown Forest Bird Group for taking us to Lavender Platt. Wonderful sightings of this amazing bird. 

Take a look at the clip we made of a nightjar flying around our group!

Wednesday 12th June 2024. Meet at 10.30 a.m. A chance to see the wildlife, iron workings, pillow mounds and lakes in an area not normally open to the public. Some rough walking so please bring stout footwear and suitable protective clothing. Places are limited to 20 for this event.  

A Guided Tour of Pippingford Park

Thanks to Caroline and David of Pippingford Park for guiding us round the estate. It was a very enjoyable morning.

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